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Virtual Sunday School- Sunday 17th May 2020

Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski

The Sixth Sunday of Easter: John 14:15-21. Jesus and the Holy Spirit

1. Opening prayer:

"Dear God, we thank you for all your blessings. We thank you for your Son, Jesus who teaches us today about his best Friend: the Holy Spirit. Amen".

2. Let's talk about our best friends! When is their birthday? Where do they live? What type of cakes do they like? What do you like about them???? We all wish to have friends and play with them. Our Sunday School is a great place to make friends. 

3. Today Jesus teaches us about his best Friend: it is the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel Jesus says that his best Friend will come and teach us new things. So, the Holy Spirit is also our teacher. In forthcoming weeks we will learn more about the Holy Spirit and special gifts that the Spirit will give us. The Holy Spirit helps us to follow Jesus.

4. Activity: Colour the picture (link below).

5. Prayer: Let's pray

- Dear God, thank you for your Son Jesus and His best Friend, the Holy Spirit.

- We thank you for all our friends and their presence in our life.

- We pray for all children, especially for those who are not well or sad.

- We pray for all members of our families and our special family: St Mary's Church.

- We pray for all our teachers and those who are helping us to learn

5. We conclude with the Lord's Prayer (The words to which are at the bottom of this post).


8+year olds 

1. Opening prayer: "Lord Jesus, in these special time we thank you for your reminder that we are never alone, as you gave us your Holy Spirit. Amen."

2. In today's Gospel, Jesus calls the Spirit: "The Counselor", or "The Advocate". Brain storm: what does it mean? What kind of images come to our head when we think "the counselor"? What does it mean to "counsel" somebody or to be their "advocate"? Well, let's think of "giving somebody a good advice", or even "guide" or "protect" or "support". The Spirit is also described as a "Comforter", or a "Helper" in some versions of the Bible. Which word best represents your own vision of the Holy Spirit?

3. In today's story from the Gospel of John, Jesus introduces the Holy Spirit as the One who comes from the Father to continue Jesus' mission. The Holy Spirit is the best inspiration: think of a joyful music that inspires you to dance (what kind of music do you like?), think of some memories which put smile on your face (tell us more about that kind of your memories), or an event when you were very happy... That kind of feeling is an analogy to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

4. Watch this video on the role of the Holy Spirit:

5. Time to pray:

Let's pray today with special focus on the Holy Spirit.

- we thank God for the presence of the Holy Spirit, for his inspiration to make good choice, say sorry and make little gestures of kindness.

- let's pray for the places around the world where is suffering, let's ask the Holy Spirit to bring peace and light to those communities.

- Let's pray for our local community in Twickenham.

- Let's pray for our church St Mary's, and all who may feel lonely. We ask the Holy Spirit to bring joy to all these people.

6. We conclude with the Lord's prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;

thy kingdom come;

thy will be done;

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory,

for ever and ever.



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