Welcome to St Mary's Twickenham. Our regular services are held in church on Sunday and Wednesday mornings.
The Memorial Garden is open daily from 10am to 4pm (winter time) or 5pm (summer time)
for people to visit, sit and reflect.
Passion Sunday, 17th March
6pm - the Marble Hill Singers will lead us in a sequence of music and readings for Passiontide
Palm Sunday, 24th March
8am and 9.30am - Eucharists will be celebrated to include the blessing and distribution of palms
Maundy Thursday, 28th March
7.30pm - The Eucharist of the Last Supper and Gethsemane Watch
Good Friday, 29th March
12noon to 2.30pm - Meditations at the foot of the Cross
2.30pm The Liturgy of Good Friday
Holy Saturday, 30th March
3pm - A service of remembrance for those whose ashes are buried in our Memorial Garden,
praying them into the death and resurrection of Christ
EASTER DAY, 31st March
Our Festival Eucharist will be celebrated at 9.30am
8am Holy Eucharist - 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month
An opportunity to enjoy the Prayer Book liturgy of the Eucharist.
NB - In Apri 2024, the first of the 8am Eucharists will be held on Sunday 7th April. There will be no 8am Eucharist on 14th April.
9.30am Parish Eucharist - every Sunday
A dynamic experience of worship combining traditional liturgical form with congregational involvement.
Our Sunday School meets in the church hall at 9.30am and joins the main congregation mid-service.
Click here to find out more about Children and Families at St Mary's.
9.30am Family Eucharist - 3rd Sunday of the month
There is no Sunday School as the Children are often involved in this family Eucharist.
Wednesday Services
10am to 11am - the church is open to celebrate the Prayer Book liturgy of the Eucharist
or for Private Prayer
We host special services that mark important events in the lives of our congregation and members of the local community.
Updated 11 June 2023
Some members of our community remain at risk of serious health consequences if they contract Covid, so we ask you to show consideration to others.
Please do not come to the church if you are displaying any Covid, bad cold or ‘flu symptoms. You are strongly advised to self-isolate if you test positive for Covid.
To respect the sensitivities and health of all your fellow worshippers, you are encouraged to use our hand sanitisers and donate by cash or card to the offertory collection when entering or leaving.
Facemasks do offer a level of protection to others and to yourself, so we are happy if you wear one! Masks are available on request.