'Christ is already in that place of peace, which is all in all. He is on the right hand of God. He is hidden in the brightness of the radiance which issues from the everlasting throne. He is in the very abyss of peace, where there is no voice of tumult or distress, but a deep stillness - stillness, that greatest and most awful of all goods which we can fancy; that most perfect of joys, the utter profound, ineffable tranquillity of the Divine Essence. He has entered into His rest. That is our home; here we are on a pilgrimage, and Christ calls us to His many mansions which He has prepared.'
John Henry Newman
Image: The Ascension of Christ, Pietro Perugino (1448–1523), Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
Listen to Gerald Finzi’s joyous setting of the Ascension text ‘God is Gone Up’ sung by the choir of St John’s College Cambridge:
In St Mary’s prayer cycle for May 2020, today we pray for those who provide foster care.
If you would like to contribute to these reflections, please do email Katherine Cox at kvcox-therapy@gmail.com