Lord we pray for all the people of your world, Especially our brothers and sisters in Ukraine: For those with decisions to take Which will affect the outcome of the conflict; For those fighting for their homeland And the protection of their Sovereign State; For families, friends and those who are alone In their homes and in bomb shelters; For all those fleeing Ukraine in search Of safety and security in other lands. As you look down with compassion And with love upon a family divided, We ask that among us you raise up: Men and women committed to work for peace; Those capable of sowing seeds of reconciliation; Those who will challenge injustice and untruth; Those who live creatively and compassionately; Those who will win others’ hearts, minds and imaginations With a vision of a better, more fruitful and equal world. Be with those who suffer, grieve and are in pain; Be with those seeking to bring healing and reassurance; Be with those feeling responsible for others; Be with those who are fighting; Be with those who are frightened. Inspire the family of nations To protect and promote All that is good, noble, true And wonderful in your world. Be with us dear Lord, In this our moment of need. These things we ask and pray In the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord. AMEN.
Chris Williams