'I am calmed because I know You love me
Because You love me, nothing can move me from my peace
Because You love me, I am as one to whom all good has come.'
From 'Hebridean Altars: The Spirit of an Island Race', by Alistair Maclean, 1937

Image: Lismore Lighthouse, Eilean Musdile, seen from the ferry from Oban to the Hebrides.
Photo: Christopher Williams, 2013.
In St Mary’s prayer cycle for this month, today we pray that we will take time to live in the present moment.
In these unprecedented times, St Mary’s is reaching out and supporting our community in many ways, especially online. But with activities in our buildings greatly restricted, we no longer receive the previous level of financial support from collections at Services, nor from hiring out the church and hall buildings.
If you can help us financially to continue to offer Christ's love to our community in these difficult times, as those before us have done down the centuries, please consider making a donation by debit/credit card and to Gift Aid it if possible, by clicking this link to 'givealittle':
Thank you!
If you would like to contribute to these reflections, please do email Katherine Cox at kvcox-therapy@gmail.com