‘A threshold is not a simple boundary; it is a frontier that divides two different territories, rhythms and atmospheres. Indeed, it is a lovely testimony to the fullness and integrity of an experience or a stage of life that it intensifies towards the end into a final frontier that cannot be crossed without the heart being passionately engaged and woken up.’
John O’Donohue
Image: ‘Dining Room in the Country’, painted 1934-5 by Pierre Bonnard (1867–1947),
Minneapolis Institute of Art
In St Mary’s prayer cycle for June 2020, today we pray for all those affected by last month’s cyclone in India.
If you would like to contribute to these reflections, please do email Katherine Cox at kvcox-therapy@gmail.com
To keep up to date with how we continue the life of St Mary’s in these difficult times – including our ‘Icons of the Day’, Fr Jeff’s and Fr Piotr’s pastoral letters and reflections, weekly Zoom services and more – do please ‘like’ our Facebook page @StMarysTwickenham
and bookmark our website www.stmarytwick.org.uk