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Saturday 27th June – Icon of the Day

Chris Williams

“Make of yourself a light”

said the Buddha,

before he died.

I think of this every morning

as the east begins

to tear off its many clouds

of darkness, to send up the first

signal-a white fan

streaked with pink and violet,

even green.

An old man, he lay down

between two sala trees,

and he might have said anything,

knowing it was his final hour.

The light burns upward,

it thickens and settles over the fields.

Around him, the villagers gathered

and stretched forward to listen.

Even before the sun itself

hangs, disattached, in the blue air,

I am touched everywhere

by its ocean of yellow waves.

No doubt he thought of everything

that had happened in his difficult life.

And then I feel the sun itself

as it blazes over the hills,

like a million flowers on fire -

clearly I’m not needed,

yet I feel myself turning

into something of inexplicable value.

Slowly, beneath the branches,

he raised his head.

He looked into the faces of that frightened crowd. ‘The Buddha’s Last Instruction’

From ‘House of Light’ by Mary Oliver


Image: The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex (pronounced ‘oh-fee-yoo-ki’ and named after a bright star in the region) is one of the nearest star-forming regions to Earth.

Photo: From NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Explorer, or WISE, April 2011; courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/WISE Team.


In St Mary’s prayer cycle for June 2020, today we pray for areas of conflict around the world that have been overlooked in the news recently.


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If you would like to contribute to these reflections, please do email Katherine Cox at


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