And having built it
I set about furnishing it
To my taste: first moss, the grass
Annually renewed, and animals
To divert me: faces stared in
From the wild. I thought up the flowers
Then birds. I found the bacteria
Sheltering in the primordial\darkness and called them forth
To the light. Quickly the earth
Teemed. Yet still an absence
Disturbed me. I slept and dreamed
Of a likeness, fashioning it,
When I woke, to a slow
Music; in love with it
For itself, giving it freedom
To love me; risking the disappointment
‘Making’ by R S Thomas

Image: The Creation of Adam [detail] - fresco painted circa 1511 by Michelangelo (1475–1564) - Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome.
In St Mary’s prayer cycle for June 2020, today we recall Thomas the Apostle – and that although we have not seen the risen Christ we will believe.
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In these unprecedented times, St Mary’s is reaching out and supporting our community in many ways, especially online. But with Services in church cancelled, we no longer receive income from collections, nor from hiring out the church and hall buildings.
If you can help us financially to continue to offer Christ's love to our community in these difficult times, as those before us have done down the centuries, please consider making a donation by debit/credit card and to Gift Aid it if possible, by clicking this link to 'givealittle':
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If you would like to contribute to these reflections, please do email Katherine Cox at
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