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Liz Webborn

Notes On a Green Theme

Last Sunday Sarah Wilson spoke about the work of Mission for Vision, one of the charities that we, as a church, supports.

She told us that Mission for Vision is committed to providing vision to those living in the deprived areas of the developing world. That for many, just obtaining the basics of life is a daily struggle and that for those with deficient eyesight there is little hope of obtaining either education or employment.

The charity comprises optometrists and dispensing opticians willing to volunteer their skills, time and money to improve the quality of life for others.

As well as our prayers and our financial donations Sarah also encouraged us to donate our old spectacles and cases that can be sent out to areas of need via Mission for Vision. A great reason to continue to drop your old or unused spectacles and cases into the recycling basket at the back of the church. Thank you.


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