With June just around the corner I thought I would flag up The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild

initiative. 30 days wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge where they ask everyone to do one wild thing a day throughout the month of June. By signing up to the initiative you will be made aware of lots of different wild ideas, especially great if you have children in the family. Access more information by contacting
Check out The Wildlife Trusts’ website on wildlifetrusts.org to find out lots of other ways you can get involved. Their purpose is to bring wildlife back, to empower people to take meaningful action for nature, and to create an inclusive society where nature matters.
Their vision is of a thriving natural world, with our wildlife and natural habitats playing a valued role in addressing the climate and ecological emergencies, and everyone inspired to get involved in nature’s recovery.
To send your ideas in please contact me on lizskiv@hotmail.com Many thanks!