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Christopher Williams

A Christmas Message

Father Jeff shares a message...

My dear Friends,

As we prepare to celebrate Jesus' birth and then embark upon a new year, I have asked the One whose birth we celebrate to write to you instead of me. So, wishing you well and hoping to see you over the coming days.

Blessings galore,


To the people of Twickenham,

Soon you will be gathering in my churches, gathering around the memory of my birth 2,000 years ago. Some will gather because they were persuaded by friends; others because they always come; some will go for the first time, wondering what it's all about and how it can possibly relate to the lives they lead. Some have spent years getting to know me, speaking with me, confiding in me, asking me questions, favours of me..........Some have never dared to lift their eyes to me in prayer, not aware that I have looked at them, noticed them, cared for them, since they were in their mother's womb.

If people did but know that it is not just at Christmas that they can celebrate my birth, I their creator am with them always, longing that they live their lives in connection, in communion with me. I long to make such a difference to their lives. As once I intervened in the lives of the poor, the sick, the friendless, the rejected, the despised, I long to speak into their souls now and fill their minds with the white hot flames of my spirit, to ignite there a vision, a willingness, a desire to change the world for good. To challenge injustice, to speak for those whose voices have been quenched, to protect those who are subject to other people`s desires, deprived of freedom and dignity.

The thing which hurts me the most, the thing which pierces me with pain and scars my heart is when people think that I do not care, that I am not there, in the pain and suffering, chaos and confusion, injuries and injustices of life. Where else would I be? It is no accident that I chose the cross as the abiding image of who I am. I am with those in war zones, in the homes where loved ones have died, in hospital wards where people fight for their lives, with doctors and nurses who fight on their behalf. I am with politicians as they deliberate, decide on courses of action which will affect not just this generation, but generations to come. I am with women as they give birth, men as they breathe their last, children as they question whether they are loved or even lovable. Even if such people do not know that I am there and are not open to the influence and the inspiration of my love. And I am with you too, each one of you who reads these words. If I am not real to speak to you, then I am not real at all and have never spoken with anyone. But I am real, my love for you is real, my commitment to you is real and so is my presence in your life.

Whether you believe in me or not, I believe in you, in your immeasurable worth, in your complex wonder, with your scars, sins and inconsistencies, with you in your doubting and your questioning and in your infinite possibilities.

Christmas is a time for the giving of presents, is it not? Well, mine to you is this, the gift of myself, unconditionally. I offer you my forgiveness, my compassion, my understanding, my acceptance. I offer you my healing, my peace and my love. I ask for nothing in return but please know that I, who once turned a few loaves and fishes into a feast for thousands can take even the smallest offering you may make me, and transform it into wonders. Even the smallest gift of a part of yourselves will be precious to me and I will treasure it as though it were the most extravagant and exquisite gift in all creation.

So may this Christmas be a turning point, for the world and for you and me. For I am your God, the one who caused you to be. I am your creator who longs for you to be creative in your living and in your loving, in your relating and in your serving, and I promise you this my friend: You and I shall walk into the new year together.

With the blessings of my love


Christ Icon, 6th Cemtury AD

Saint Catherine's Monastery, Sinai (Egypt)


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