I am happy to offer these suggestions for parents and children as part of our ‘Virtual Sunday School’ for 19th April and the Gospel reading (John 20, vv19-end):
Small children:
Opening prayer: "Lord Jesus, you came to us to teach us that God loves each one of us and all people. Thank you for this kind teaching, for your love and compassion. We pray for all children and parents, especially for those who are sad or not well."
1. Let's talk about members of our family: we love each other and we trust each other. We trust our Mums and Dads. Trust is important as our parents know what is the best for us. The same with God and Jesus, we trust them because they know what is the best for us. 2. Today's story is about Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples and his trust in Jesus: watch this movie: (I would suggest starting to watch at 0.59 and to finish at 2.44, otherwise children may be too excited.)
3. The story encourages us to believe in Jesus even if we can't touch or see him. We can see Jesus in acts of kindness and love, in the flowers of Spring when life comes back.
4. Activities: you may colour the page attached.
Older children (Adventures/SMG): 1. Opening prayer: "Lord Jesus, we thank you for the story about Thomas and his final trust in you. Help us to trust you as you know the way to happiness and joy. Amen".
2. Introducing the story: soon after his resurrection Jesus comes to his disciples. Watch this clip together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8o4TrIA76U
Question: what are Jesus' first words? Judgment, criticism or peace? That is, are you well? Question: was Thomas right not to believe in Jesus' return to life? Question: what is the meaning of the final words? - ‘Blessed are those who have not seen me but yet have believed’
3. Our experience of belief and trust: we believe our teachers, pilots, GPs... they know how to help us. In a similar way we are encouraged to believe and trust in Jesus' teaching: he knows God and He loves each one of us.
4. You may print out the second image as a reminder of our trust.